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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: ~甲斐がある/甲斐がない/甲斐もなく



  • 2時間も並んで待った甲斐があって、食べたラーメンは最高においしかった。It was worth the wait for two hours, and the ramen I ate was delicious.
  • 必死の説得のかいもなく、田村くんは会社を辞めた。Tamura resigned, I tried to persuade him to have been in vain.
  • 希望を持って楽しく生きなければ、生まれた甲斐がない。If you don't live happily with hope, it's not worth being born.

[CONTENT] Learn JLPT N2 Grammar

This article was last edited at 2021-01-10 18:23:42

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